Friday, September 3, 2010

Free Search Engine Optimtimization Tips, Information, and One Way Back Links

Search Engine Optimization Tips and Information For Higher Web site Page Rank

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Marc Lemon's (GreatDomainNow's)  
FREE SEO Course           Lesson #1                     The Very Basics 

Absolutely Free SEO Book
Just email me @
for a complete free copy
"It Has Great Stuff In It!"


1.  DON'T BUY ANYTHING YET FROM ANYONE REGARDING SEO (Especially if you are new to the internet and seo !  Do yourself a favor and take close head.  This blog (BLOG# 1) is intended for people who have very little or absolutely no knowledge of SEO whatsoever. There are hundreds of thousands of new people coming on to the Internet everyday that are bound to fall victim to all the gurus and experts. People like Ryan Deiss (and others) who want to teach you for $2000.00 or more. 

I am not professing to be an expert or a guru but what I will teach will work, it will work well for you, and what I will give you for free.  So take the time to learn, so that you can earn.  If you get overly excited and rush into internet marketing you will surely spend and lose a lot of money on junk before you realize that it is junk and you should have slowed down some.

I am going to do these blogs differently from the usual form of internet blogging and step out of the own new little concept and idea that I hope will catch on.  Rather than post new stuff on this blog each week,  I intend to leave it up permanently, as is with the information that is on it now. 

This way all the Newbies can have continual access to it.  What good does it do to get a few followers and readers this week initially, and then change the information in a week?  All the other newcomers (Newbies) coming after the first wave miss out on this content because the content will have been changed as we move on. 

So, in order to keep this blog up, live, and visible I will need your help.  All my first wave newbies need to come back periodically, post comments,  make referrals, tell others, and give it backlinks, etc, to get this blog up, and running, and increasing in visibility on the web.  Please do this for me....and especially for those coming behind is a small price to pay for getting information you would spend hundreds if not thousands to get from the gurus.....and the information will get you the page rank in time, believe me it will.

The first thing you need to do is open this link and bookmark it.  Keep it open as you read this blog and all the others coming behind it to help with terms that are new to you.  This link is to a free SEO Glossary that is loaded with all the SEO definitions you will need to learn as we begin our mission to increase your knowledge of SEO... Visit SEO Glossary!

Next, words that are in Bold and Italicized in this Blog and all other blogs that follow in this course from this point on are words (that if you don't understand) their meaning you need to look up in the glossary for the definintion.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?  

Search Engine Optimization (SE) in its simplest definition is the implementation of onsite and offsite techniques used to increase page rank,  and improve a websites visibility in the Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, etc.  No matter how great a product or service you have, and no matter how great your webstie looks, if it isn't found by Internet users and you aren't getting traffic it might as well not exist at all.

Getting Too Excited!
Most people when they first get a website (mysefl included) get a little excited about it and we want everybody in the world to visit it, see it , and hopefully buy what we are offering.  It doesn't work like that although there are many "instant wealth gurus" doing a very good job of convincing people that it does happen literally in hours from the time you get your website.  Wrong!

Getting Listed in Search Engines
Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Lycos, etc, are the places where internet users go to enter a search phrase (what is also called a key word or key word phrase).  An example would be if we were looking for widgets.  Widgets all by itself is a key word or search word and is very broad.  Widgets for sale is a key word phrase or search phrase which helps narrow down the search more for better results.

Many gurus and companies can't wait for newcomers to join there business as they immediately tell you with great enthusiasm that you must get listed so that you can begin getting traffic in minutes.  Well you can get listed with the search engine quickly but in no way does that mean or ensure that you will start getting traffic to website right away.  This is one of the biggest scams they have going on newbies.  Don't fall for it.  Depending on what your website is about there could as many as 20,000,000 other sites and results under the same category that were listed with the search engines long before  you.  But they hype you up with this because they either have an affiliate link that they make money off of by directing you to a listing service or they own the listing service.  Either way the end result is that they make money by misleading into thinking that you need to be listed by them to over 300 search engines, etc.  Poohey!

I have listed  quite a few sites.  I do three things to get listed and it works just fine.  Once you are listed in Google, and Yahoo, and a few others and get a few good backlinks all the other search engine spyders find you anyway and list your website for free.  Don't fall for the B.S. about getting listed and indexed it is way overrated hype to make money and nothing more.  There is only a few search engines that truly matter and they have been mentioned already. 

The Process

To get listed do this.  First go to  and sign up with gmail for an email account.  You are going to need an email account or two for receiving a lot of verification emails and other things that will be sent to you as you begin the SEO process of getting your website ranked on the search engines.  You don't want all of this stuff bombarding your primary email account because it will be a lot over tme and will totally mess up your personal account.  You need to to do this...stop now and do it please.

You also need to know the difference between your domain name and the URL; there is a big difference. Most directory submission sites will ask for your website URL. URL means Uniform Resource Locater.  It is basically the directions to where your website is located.  Your domain is the name of the street it is on.  Example of a URL  that is what they want when they ask for a URL...also make sure when you sumit a URL the you pay attention to whether it is http:// or https://.  The domain name is  Please make sure you know the difference or you will waste a lot of precious time when it comes to making submissions to places that may request one or the other.  And don't worry this will all sink in in no time and be like riding a bike in time.  Here is a link if you would like to know more about a URL and domain name

Now all you have to do, and this will work fine, believe me it will, is to go to these three places and it will get you indexed everywhere that is worth getting indexed and it won't cost you a dime.  10 minutes to do this tops.  First go to and submit your URL to Google.  Go to here   This is a website that will submit your website URL to about 70 or so search engines fir free abd tget reakk di the submission.  However, becareful as you will have to sign-up for their newsletter and give them your email.  This is why I had you create the gmail account because this will happen often.  DON'''t get sucked in by all the fancy adcopy promising you the moon in the emails they send you.  DON"T BE SUCKED IN BY IT! Then submit your URL to Yahoo  That's it for indexing and website submission.  You don't need anything more regardless of what they try to sell you.  Again as you go through the SEO process you will get lots of emails.  Learn to ignore them ok...don't buy matter how good it sounds...just stick with this ok.

Well this concludes SEO lesson #1  If you liked it and if it was useful please share it with your friends, leave comments, interact with the blog and come back once in a while.....that is the only way this will survive, be found and work....most of all I want it to help newcomers and prevent them from making the same mistakes I did.....if it has saved you from making costly mistakes you should pass it on and help other too.

Here is the link to FREE SEO information blog #2 Lesson two

Free SEO Book
Just email me @
for a completely free copy
It Has Great Stuff In It

Get High Quality One Way Back links

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks Marc for a great post. I am very new to this stuff and appreciate all the good information.

